Austin City Council indefinitely extended an occupancy limit law that was set to expire, cementing its prior ruling on how many unrelated adults may live in the same dwelling.

According to the standing ordinance, no more than four unrelated adults—or six in some areas—may reside in the same single family home and no more than three may live in the same duplex. The ordinance only applies to homes built after March 31, 2014 or duplexes built after June 5, 2003.

Council Members Gregorio Casar and Sabino "Pio" Renteria expressed concerns about how occupancy limits affect housing affordability. They initially raised questions about the extension of the ordinance, but Casar said his concerns were eased upon learning the ordinance was crafted to guide future development as opposed to restricting current arrangements.

“I’m really looking out for the younger people who want to stay here in Austin, and I wanted to see if there was a way we could work it out so these people are not breaking the laws by having [multiple unrelated people living in one house],” Renteria said during a March 1 council work session.

Casar said city staff reported no citations have been given under the current ordinance.

Staff said city occupancy limits will be addressed under CodeNEXT, the overhaul of the city's land development code.