At its regular meeting Feb. 11, Austin City Council is scheduled to respond to a petition regarding transportation network companies, or TNCs, such as Uber Technologies and Lyft.
During a Feb. 2 City Council work session, Austin City Clerk Jannette Goodall announced the verification of signatures on a petition against City Council’s new regulations for TNCs, also known as ride-hailing companies.
The regulations,
which were passed in December, included a requirement for fingerprint-based background checks for TNC drivers but did not define an enforcement mechanism.
Following the approval of the new requirements, some TNC representatives and supporters protested the change. A coalition called Ridesharing Works for Austin circulated a petition that was reportedly signed by more than 65,000 Austinites, who called on City Council to adopt “common-sense ride-sharing rules” or put the issue up for a public vote.
According to the city charter, council has 10 days following the petition's verification to either adopt the petition language or call for an election and let Austin voters decide.
Other issues on Thursday's agenda include:
Item 19, Pilot Knob PUD: Regarding the affordable housing component of Pilot Knob, a planned mixed-use development in Travis County just east of Austin, and its impact on Austin Water Utility payments
Item 11, parkland dedication amendment: Regarding a resolution to explore implementation of density calculations for non-dedicated portions of development projects as part of a parkland dedication ordinance revision
Item 21, council committees: Regarding City Council's desired purposes for the council committee system