Sarah Ali, owner of The Transformation Studio in Sugar Land, had an eventful year in 2015. In August, Ali relocated The Transformation Studio’s makeup and confectionery services to a new space, and also opened her Chamak Cosmetics & Chocolates store.
“I believe in business you kind of have to grow and take steps,” she said.
After running the wellness studio for six years in an office building, Ali said she received feedback from customers about her cosmetic services’ location.
Ali said she was glad to move the services, along with her chocolates, to a more accessible and pedestrian-friendly setting.
Ali offers makeovers, hairstyling, henna tattoos and parties in her salon. She also offers chocolate-making classes in an on-site kitchen.
Ali said she insists clients come in person for consultations before buying any of the custom makeup. While mixing ingredients behind a counter, she asks questions about a customer’s makeup habits, skin conditions or allergies.
“It’s like a mad scientist’s lab,” she said.
Ali hopes to become a franchise in the future, but in the meantime said she relies on her family to help out when they can.
“If you don’t have a support system, you can’t do everything,” Ali said.
Chamak Cosmetics & Chocolates
3129 Hwy. 6, Sugar Land
Hours: Mon.-Tue. by appointment only, Wed.-Sat. 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Sun. noon-3 p.m.