Fort Bend Co. Commissioners Court The Fort Bend County Commissioners Court is made up of, from left: Richard Morrison, Grady Prestage, Judge Robert Hebert, Andy Meyers and James Patterson.[/caption]

Big decisions made in 2015

  • $98.6 million facilities bond Voters passed a bond initiative aimed at addressing county needs, such as park improvements, library expansions and new criminal justice facilities.
  • Emergency medical services To improve its EMS program throughout 
  • the county, the court approved a budget increase as well as changes in leadership and ambulance locations.
  • Mobility bond projects The county completed a couple of mobility bond projects, such as the extension of W. Bellfort Boulevard and Phase 2 of the Williams Way Boulevard project.
  • FM 1093/Westpark extension The court finalized plans for Phase 1 of the Westpark Tollway extension project. Construction is set to begin in February.

Top issues for 2016

  • EMS response times The court will look to provide funding to increase the county’s EMS staff and equipment to decrease response times.
  • Mobility bond projects The county will continue to improve roads as outlined in its mobility bond. Improvements to Brand Lane, Golfview Drive and Harlem Road are all expected to be complete in 2016.
  • Fort Bend Toll Road overpass The county will complete the construction of the Fort Bend Toll Road overpass above Hwy. 6 in 2016.
  • Falling oil prices With oil prices falling, the court will manage the budget to compensate for any negative effects on assessed values and to maintain a stable property tax rate.


The court meets at 1 p.m. the first, second and fourth Tuesday of the month. 401 Jackson St., Richmond 281-342-3411

Terms and pay

All court members serve four-year terms with no term limits. The county judge and commissioners earn salaries of $127,231 and $121,172, respectively.

Video coverage

Fort Bend County Commissioners Court meetings are streamed live online on the county’s website.