The Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods sent a resolution in May to Mayor Steve Adler and Austin City Council members regarding LifeAustin Church’s proposed outdoor amphitheater, OHAN President Darryl Pruett said.
“LifeAustin church has applied for an outdoor music venue sound permit, and we oppose that,” said Pruett, who met with Adler’s staff June 10 to discuss the resolution.
In 2011 the Hill Country Estates HOA filed an appeal to the Austin Board of Adjustment, which hears zoning requests, about its opposition to the approval of a permit to build an amphitheater on land at 8901 Hwy. 71 zoned for rural residential use.
The church opened in 2005. John Capezzuti, LifeAustin’s business pastor, said he filed April 8 to be able to use amplified sound in its Outdoor Worship Center. The center will be used for religious assembly, including music, and will occasionally be used for civic events and fundraising for nonprofits, he said. LifeAustin also plans to build a chapel on the property.
Pruett said OHAN’s resolution urges the city to forward the HOA’s appeal to the Board of Adjustment.
“The interest that OHAN has is promoting [homeowners’] interests and really making Southwest Austin a better place to live,” Pruett said.
LifeAustin aims to develop a campus that local residents can use for events, Capezzuti said, adding the church recently held a tour of the center and a meeting in its main building to continue the dialogue.