State Sen. Kirk Watson speaks June 24 at Austin ISD Central Administration in downtown Austin to talk about Austin Interfaith's program to keep high school students on track for graduation and joining the workforce. State Sen. Kirk Watson speaks June 24 at Austin ISD Central Administration in downtown Austin to talk about Austin Interfaith's program to keep high school students on track for graduation and joining the workforce.[/caption]

Austin Interfaith, Austin ISD and AT&T have teamed up to give at-risk students at Crockett, Lanier and Travis high schools a greater chance to graduate and gain work experience.

Representatives from the entities announced The High School Youth Leadership Development Program during a press conference June 24 at the AISD Central Administration campus in downtown Austin. The program entails internship opportunities for at-risk students during the summer, starting in summer 2016.

“It’s a wonderful new program designed to keep students in school and on track for the workforce,” said Rev. John Elford, a member of Austin Interfaith and senior pastor at University United Methodist Church.

Amongst the speakers at the press conference was state Sen. Kirk Watson, D-Austin, who talked about the strong Austin economy, with its workforce and booming downtown.

“But the true measure of a thriving local economy is that opportunity reaches every corner of our community,” Watson said.

Funding for the program came from AT&T Aspire, the telecommunications company’s education initiative.

Speakers urged other companies to collaborate and help out with the program.

“Projects like this, involving collaborations between faith communities, community organizers, schools and employers … are absolutely vital,” Elford said. “And they are one small but crucial step in bringing more folks, particularly our young people, into the prosperity of the whole community.”