Flooding and storm safety

A historic flooding event struck Harris County and the city of Houston in late May, flooding roadways and resulting in at least seven fatalities. More than 10 inches of rain fell in parts of Houston in less than six hours, causing Gov. Greg Abbott to declare a state of emergency in Harris County. Flooding is not a rare occurrence in Harris County, which is prone to hurricanes and severe storms.

Flood safetyFlooding and storm safety

  • Wildlife, such as alligators, snakes and rodents, are displaced during floods and may be present in flood waters.
  • High water covering roadways may hide washed-out bridges or gouged-out roadbeds.
  • Do not attempt to cross flooded roads or streams on foot. It only takes six inches of water to knock an adult off his feet.
  • Never allow children to play near ditches or storm drains following a flood.
  • During stormy weather, do not camp or park vehicles along streams.
  • Be cautious at night when it is harder to see flood dangers.

How to buy insurance

Homeowners and renters insurance does not include flood insurance. However, every homeowner who lives within a participating community of the National Flood Insurance Program can buy insurance, which includes all of Cy-Fair.

Flood insurance is sold through private companies and is financially backed through the federal government.

In Harris County, homes outside of a mapped floodplain are still at risk for flooding, according to the Harris County Flood Control District. For more details, visit www.harriscountyfemt.org.