City Council heard several options from Klotz Associates for improving traffic congestion at the intersection of Redbud Trail and Westlake Drive during their Dec. 10 meeting.
Three options were given to council along with their grades for traffic reduction—lane improvements, a traffic signal and lane improvements, and a roundabout.
Each option was run through a simulation using traffic data collected by Klotz on Oct. 21 and assigned a grade—A through F—for traffic reduction. The current intersection received a D for morning traffic and an F for evening peak time traffic. Lane improvements received a C and a D, respectively, and the lane improvements with the addition of a traffic signal graded out at a B and a C, respectively.
The best reduction in traffic, according to the simulations, would come from the construction of a roundabout, which received a B for both morning and evening peak time traffic. The simulation showed that a roundabout could result in as much as an 82 percent reduction in evening peak travel time delays.
The roundabout was also the most expensive option at an estimated $667,000. The lane improvements, $231,000, and traffic signal with lane improvements, $429,000, were significantly cheaper options.
Council instructed Klotz Associates to do a preliminary engineering study and report back with more defined prices on each of the options.