The Saddlebrook neighborhood is located north of Cheek Sparger Road and east of Colleyville Boulevard in Colleyville.
The subdivision is located near Sparger Park, established greenbelt areas and rolling hills. Amenities include walking/biking trails, scenic views and a homeowners association. There are five private schools in proximity as well as Bransford Elementary School, Colleyville Middle School, Colleyville Heritage High School and Grapevine High School.
Featured neighborhood
Saddlebrook, Colleyville
Build-out year: 1993
Number of homes (estimated): 246
Average square footage: 3,391
Home values: $285,000 – $485,000
HOA dues (estimated): $280 annually
Amenities: Colleyville Town Center, Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, Lake Grapevine, Main Street Grapevine, parks, Southlake Town Square
Property taxes (in dollars):
- City of Colleyville 0.3559
- Tarrant County 0.2640
- Tarrant County College 0.1495
- Tarrant County Hospital 0.2279
- Grapevine–Colleyville ISD 1.3201
- Total (per $100 value) 2.3174
Neighborhood data provided by Tim Hayes,RE/MAX on Main, 817-239-7255,[email protected]">[email protected]
Although every effort has been made to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of this data, Community Impact Newspaper assumes no liability for errors or omissions. Contact the property's agent or seller for the most current information.