A request sent to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization to fund a feasibility study on the proposed RR 620 elevated toll road has angered some residents in the Senna Hills and Barton Creek West neighborhoods.
As proposed, the toll road would connect the existing SH 45 S in Southwest Austin to RR 2222 and RR 620 in West Austin. Despite the city of Lakeway proposing the project, the elevated toll road would go through the city of Austin and complete a loop around the city.
Many residents who might be affected by the toll road's location are upset with the plans because it could go through neighborhoods, the Barton Creek Habitat Preserve and the greenbelt. Barton Creek West resident Rich Jones gathered more than 600 signatures from residents against the proposed toll road.
"I understand the need for a loop around the city, but it would be better suited to have it further west in areas that are more developed," he said.
During a Sept. 8 CAMPO public hearing, more than two dozen residents, including Bee Cave Councilwoman Michelle Bliss, signed up to speak against the elevated toll road. Bliss agreed the project should be located in a different area.
Lakeway's request for a $3 million feasibility study is part of CAMPO's annual call for projects for federal funding in a six-county region.