Effective September 2, alcohol will no longer be allowed at the Barton Creek spillway next to Barton Springs pool.

The decision, announced August 6, is part of increased enforcement efforts at the popular swimming destination. Park officials and police patrols are also now more strictly enforcing existing laws that prohibit smoking and off-leash dogs.

Residents may still swim at the spillway, said Sara Hensley, director of Austin's parks and recreation department.

"We're not trying to be the party poopers, so to speak," Hensley said. "We're trying to keep this area safe for you and for everyone."

Water levels at the spillway can vary greatly, Hensley said, and parks officials do not test the water's quality. In a two-month period, about 1,000 off-leash dogs were at the park, Hensley said of an informal study her department conducted.

In addition, there is no plan to add lifeguards to the area, she said.

"That's what people have to understand—use at your own risk," Hensley said.

The added regulations are spurred by a recent 40-percent crime increase surrounding the spillway, according to Austin Police Department records. Personal property thefts and vehicle burglaries make up much of that increase, APD Lt. Arthur Fortune said, as well as excessive drinking, use of illegal substances and other city violations.

"Right now, this would be the area showing the most crime spike," Fortune said.

Public service announcements and new signs have been rolled out to spread awareness about the policy changes. Also, while city policy prohibits swimming in the area between Barton Springs Pool and Lady Bird Lake, Hensley said her department plans on asking elected officials to revisit the rule—and in the meantime, swimmers may continue using the site at their own risk.