In 2006 former Cedar Park City Councilman Phil Duprey was one of several Cedar Park and Leander residents who asked whether a merger of the two cities would work. But the idea never progressed beyond a discussion about the legalities and possibilities.

However, both Leander Mayor Chris Fielder and Cedar Park Mayor Matt Powell said a hypothetical idea of a merger may have helped both cities.

"I think there was an unhealthy rivalry that existed between Cedar Park and Leander back in those days," Powell said. "I really don't see that anymore. Our city councils get along. We consider Leander partners and friends and not some rival that has to be beaten at all costs."

Fielder said the two cities benefit by working together.

"That doesn't mean we're always going to have the same opinion on how things can happen, but we definitely have a great working relationship and a great friendship," Fielder said.