High Meadow Ranch, Magnolia, 77355
Build-out year: 2015
Builders: Multiple
Square footage: 2,829–7,000 +
Home values: $354K–$1 Million +
HOA dues (estimated): $520
Amenities: Golf Course, nature trails, pool, baseball field, nature reserve, recreation facility
Nearby attractions: Willowbrook Mall, dining, restaurants
Property taxes:
- Magnolia Isd - 1.4000
- Montgomery County - 0.4800
- No Harris County Junior College - 0.1200
- Montgomery County Emergency District 10 - 0.1000
- Montgomery County Hospital - 0.0700
- Total (per $100 value) - 2.1700
Homes on the market (As of April 2014)
- No. of homes for sale - 26
- No. of homes under contract - 8
- Average days on the market - 71
Annual home sales (Jan. 1, 2013–Jan. 1, 2014)
- No. of homes sold - 34
- Square footage (low/high) - 2,829/5,250
- Selling price (low/high) - $415,000/$24,500,000