Lakeway staff looks to separate commercial and industrial uses
On April 2, the Lakeway Zoning and Planning Commission agreed to recommend that City Council pass an amendment to the city's comprehensive plan restricting C-2 zoning, or commercial light industrial uses, to the area north of Kollmeyer Drive in the RR 620 corridor. Under the ordinance, C-1, or commercial office/retail uses, are zoned south of Kollmeyer Drive.
The issue arose during a March 5 commission meeting when the owner of a tract south of Kollmeyer Drive, requested a zoning change from C-1 to C-2 and special use permit to build a storage facility.
Commissioners tabled their decision until April 2 when they recommended council deny the tract's zoning change but approve a special use permit for the site.
Troy Anderson, Lakeway director of building and development services, said staff recommended not approving the zoning change. He said he sought clarification as to the effective boundary on RR 620 between C-1 and C-2 zoning in order to halt light industrial uses from closing in on the southern portion of the city corridor.
"When you drive up and down [RR] 620, [there is a] clear distinction at [Kollmeyer Drive]," Anderson said March 5. "All land uses north of the line are inherently commercial/light industrial—storage facilities, auto repair, almost the beginnings of an industrial park. On the other side is predominantly office and retail zoning."
He cited the reason for staff disapproval is to try to maintain the integrity of the office/retail corridor.
Neighboring commercial owners spoke in support of the storage facility because it would provide less traffic and noise than other types of buildings. However, Bowling Lane resident William Logan said he was concerned home property values in the area adjacent to the storage facility would decrease.
The item is planned for Lakeway City Council's April 21 meeting, Deputy City Manager Chessie Zimmerman said.