Big decisions made in 2013
Road bond
The city had a successful road bond election in May, when voters approved $36 million to fund improvements to five city roads: Bunton Creek, Lehman and Goforth roads as well as Burleson Street and Marketplace Avenue.
In 2013, Kyle City Council authorized the formation of the Kyle Area Youth Advisory Council. The advisory council is
composed of presidents from area high school classes and now features an honorary nonvoting representative who sits on the dais at council meetings.
On Dec. 18, the council authorized the annexation of about 300 acres on the city's eastern boundary. The process began in the summer with more than 2,500 acres at stake. But not all of the entities involved in the process were formally notified of the annexation proceedings, so the process was delayed.
New city engineer
The city hired Leon Barba on Nov. 22 as its city engineer, a position last held by Steven Widacki, who resigned from his post in September. Carrying out the road improvement bond approved in May is among the top items on Barba's to-do list.
Top issues for 2014
Hire full-time city attorney
In the midst of a legal battle with water utility provider Monarch, the city of Kyle has been without a full-time city attorney. The city hired its first in-house attorney in 2012 upon the recommendation of City Manager Lanny Lambert, but Julian Grant resigned in March. Assistant City Attorney Cody Faulk and a contract attorney have handled those duties in the interim.
Complete annexations
The City Council plans on returning to the annexation issue after several properties were not formally informed of the process and annexation was put on hold so that the city could meet its statutory requirements. More than 2,000 acres could potentially be at stake if the council revisits the properties it considered in 2013.
Downtown growth
Plans to beautify the downtown area as well as promote economic development in and around Center Street are slated to begin this year. One process will entail the fostering of a clean and safe area in which to shop and socialize; another involves rewriting land development code, rezoning and incentivizing growth so that more businesses will move in.
City Council meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of every month.
Kyle City Hall, 100 W. Center St., Kyle
Terms and compensation
The mayor and city council members earn $100 and $50 per meeting, respectively, Mayor Lucy Johnson and Councilman David Wilson declined their stipends. They serve three-year terms.
Media Coverage
Kyle City Council meetings are streamed online at