Round rock City Council approved a series of ordinances at its Dec. 5 meeting related to the city's waste and recycling programs.

The council amended its contract with Round Rock Refuse to allow for increases in fuel and landfill dumping charges and entered into a new agreement with Wilco Recycling to handle the city's curbside recycling pickups.

The council also approved a rate increase for residential waste services to offset the cost increases. Beginning in January, residents' monthly waste utility bills will increase from $18.90 to $19.06.

Round Rock Utility Director Michael Thane said landfill dumping costs have been increasing by approximately 5 percent every year since 2011. The best way for the city to offset the increases is to promote recycling, he said.

"Over the long term the goal is to keep our rates as low as possible," Thane said. "The more we can push [recycling], the more it is going to help all of us."

According to city data, the overall percentage of waste being recycled decreased in fiscal year 2013 compared with FY 2012.

"We need to promote [recycling] better and see if we can get those numbers up," he said. "The more we can push away from the landfill, it will [save money]."