With new council members Michelle Bliss and Kara King seated on the dais, Bee Cave City Council approved the rezoning of two parcels at its May 28 meeting—13.94 acre and 2.85 acre tracts on the southeastern corner of RR 620 and Falconhead Boulevard—from Agriculture to Planned Development/Mixed Use.
The change will pave the way for the site planning process for a new retail center that includes six medical/office buildings, a daycare center, bank and is approved for three restaurants. Underground and aboveground parking are also planned.
The development will be comprised of lueder stone and stucco and will feature a pond, said land strategist Paul W. Linehan, president of Land Strategies Inc. Council members discussed adding a noise provision in the ordinance and questioned the amount of impervious cover in the project which will be determined at site plan approval.
"People do not want strip centers in Bee Cave," King said.
Developer Ken Satterlee said that he does not expect to break ground before the first quarter of 2014 and anticipates receiving building permits by Nov. 1.