In an effort to reduce traffic on Brodie Lane, the City of Austin and Travis County plan to widen Frate Barker Road. Officials hope improving the road will encourage drivers to use Manchaca Road instead of Brodie.

Travis County Commissioners Court unanimously approved an amendment to its December agreement with the city as part of the consent agenda of its May 28 meeting.

The city and county plan to widen 1.3 miles of Frate Barker from two lanes to four and include a continuous center left-turn lane, among other improvements, according to county documents. The original interlocal agreement allows the county to build the project within city limits.

In addition to the original agreement, the city wants to build 3,750 feet of 16-inch water line, 2,000 feet of 12-inch water line and two pressure-reducing valves within the project limits and the right of way, according to the amendment.

The amendment allows the city to work with county engineers to add the water and wastewater plans into the construction documents so both parts of the project can be bid to contractors together.

The county will be responsible for building the water line improvements, while the city will work on design, inspections and testing.

The Frate Barker project is funded by grants and has been approved by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.

The city will pay for the water and wastewater line design and construction costs, according to county documents. About $2.05 million has been allocated for the project.