In a single year, the City of Austin leapfrogged from the 13th largest to the 11th largest U.S. city, according to new U.S. Census Bureau statistics.
The city was previously ranked 13th based on population data received up until July 2011, city officials said.
On May 23, the census bureau released new data showing that Austin added 25,395 residents from July 2011 to July 2012—the fifth largest numeric increase in the nation. That increase helped Austin surpass the population totals of Indianapolis and Jacksonville, Fla.
The city has approximately 842,592 residents.
Mayor Lee Leffingwell called the news "not unexpected" given the city's steady growth during the last 150 years.
"Our city is strong and getting stronger every day," he said in a news release. "Our growth and economic success is not accidental, and has a lot to do with good placement.
"We have a well-defined map for the road ahead and that has contributed greatly to our accomplishments," he said.