Updated 10:15 p.m. CST
According to unofficial results, Lost Creek voters approved a limited taxing district May 11 by a margin of 2 to 1. With all precincts reporting, the measure passed by a vote of 810, or 66.5 percent, to 408, or 33.5 percent.
Shelly Detomasi-Shaw, current Lost Creek Neighborhood Association president, strongly favored creating the district upon the City of Austin's annexation of the West Austin development in 2015.
"[The vote] is about where we thought we'd be," Detomasi-Shaw said. "It's similar to Anderson Mill when they had their limited district vote."
Detomasi-Shaw, who moved to Lost Creek in 2003, said she would like to encourage area residents to "participate in the election for the Limited District board and have a say in how it is set up."
Results are unofficial until canvassed.
Posted 7:25 p.m. CST
According to early voting results, Lost Creek voters are showing strong approval, 70.7 percent to 29.3 percent—547 to 227 votes—in favor of creating a limited district that would take effect upon the City of Austin's annexation of the development in 2015.
Also included on the ballot was a limited district maintenance tax of not more than 7 cents per $100 of property valuation.
If voters pass the annexation measure, when Austin assumes full annexation Dec. 15, 2015, the Lost Creek Municipal Utility District would convert to the Lost Creek Limited District.
The limited district would continue to be responsible for maintaining the area's parks, greenbelts, the former MUD office and entry median on Lost Creek Boulevard, as well as for enforcing the development's deed restrictions.
However, if the issue fails, the Lost Creek MUD would dissolve on the date of Austin's annexation of the area. The commercial sections of Lost Creek were already annexed by Austin on Dec. 31, 2008.