Why are you running for a place on the Pflugerville board of trustees? What is your top priority for preparing the district for its next five to 10 years of growth?

MarioAcosta: I am seeking re-election because I am uniquely qualified to help lead PISD in providing the best education to all our students and providing a positive climate for all our staff. My top priorities are selection of a superintendent, developing a bond proposal issue, transitioning into the new state accountability [system] and maintaining a balanced budget.

TonyHanson: I am running for Place 3 on the Pflugerville ISD board of trustees for my two daughters, their classmates and friends, their parents and my community. I would like to serve as trustee for Place 3 to help meet those needs. I believe the top priorities for the district in the next five to 10 years will be to accommodate the expected growth in student population and change in demographics. As a district we will need to ensure facilities built today are viable for tomorrow.

Carol L.Fletcher: I have spent the better part of my life, including 12 years as a trustee, working on behalf of children and have developed a wealth of knowledge, skills and experiences as a teacher, a researcher and administrator. Our most immediate priority is to select a new superintendent. Academically, our most pressing issue is to challenge our students with rigorous coursework while simultaneously inspiring them through meaningful real-world experiences that prepare them for more than just the next state-mandated test.

Lance Sandlin: Did not issue a response

The board of trustees is now tasked with finding a new superintendent for the first time in seven years. What qualifications do you believe are the most important for the next PISD superintendent?

MarioAcosta: The qualifications that I feel are important in our next superintendent are: a willingness to work within the systems and processes established in PISD yet having the knowledge and skills to identify and implement new ideas that will expedite current systems that may need improvement; the ability to lead us through the process of preparing, presenting and passing our next bond issue; and the willingness to make a long-term commitment to our students, staff and community stakeholders.

TonyHanson: The qualifications I believe the next superintendent for PISD will need to possess are the ability to lead a growing and diverse district; implement plans to achieve established goals; manage and monitor performance and financial systems to ensure desired results are maintained; communicate his/her vision not only internally, but externally to stakeholders in the community; and above all, care for each student in the district.

Carol L.Fletcher: Our next superintendent should be fully committed to the collaborative and inclusive culture we are developing here in PISD. He or she must have demonstrated prior student success in a large, diverse, fast-growth district like PISD. I would place a priority on applicants who have shown a long-term commitment to the districts in which they work. In addition, I believe that the best candidates will have recent high-level leadership experience here in Texas, which shows they understand our unique Texas concerns.

Lance Sandlin: Did not issue a response

How would you balance the concerns of PISD residents regarding tax rates with the financial needs of the district?

MarioAcosta: As a taxpaying citizen as well, I have always looked for the best balance to provide quality education for our children while at the same time being a good steward of the taxpayers' money. Our recent board actions attest to that commitment. Our current board has approved the refinancing of $151 million (46 percent) of outstanding debt since 2010, saving taxpayers over $17 million.

TonyHanson: While it is never favorable to raise taxes, there comes a time when the need may exceed the reservation. Although the number of businesses continues to grow in Pflugerville, we continue to be a bedroom community, and every tax increase is felt by the homeowner. There will need to be support that validates the efficient and effective use of bond money previously approved.

Carol L.Fletcher: PISD is known statewide for its fiscal discipline and efficiency. We've done this by prioritizing classroom expenditures over all other budget categories, increasing efficiencies across all sectors of our operations, dramatically reducing energy costs, refinancing 46 percent of our outstanding debt and increasing our bond rating, which significantly reduces our borrowing costs.

Lance Sandlin: Did not issue a response

Do you support PISD's domestic partners insurance plan, and if elected or re-elected, would you attempt to modify it in the future?

MarioAcosta: I supported the recommendation and will continue to support it if re-elected. We have excellent staff at PISD that work extremely hard on a daily basis to provide each of our students the best education. I value their commitment to our district and respect the systems and processes we have implemented to allow for collaboration from all our stakeholders in PISD.

TonyHanson: While I believe everyone should have the basic needs met, it should be obtained within the established laws. It's my understanding that school boards are not responsible for writing law, only for creating policy that follows the law. If elected, my task would not be to solely focus on the past decisions of the board. However, if this issue comes up again, I would be open for discussion regarding legality, rights of district employees and the financial obligation to PISD.

Carol L.Fletcher: We have worked hard in this district to teach our students that every person, without exception, has value and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. If we truly mean this, we must apply that same attitude toward the adults that work in our system as well. Because this benefit will allow PISD to compete, at no cost to our taxpayers, with numerous Texas employers that also offer domestic partner benefits, this is a smart business decision. I stand by the decision.

Lance Sandlin: Did not issue a response