Despite reports that owners of Oasis, Texas, also known as the Shops at The Oasis, are in negotiations to stave off the sale of the center, the Travis County clerk's office listed the property at 6550 Comanche Trail on its April 2 nonjudicial foreclosure docket. J. Bradley Compere of Hay Compere PLLC, an attorney and substitute trustee for Oasis, Texas lien holder REKR LLC, filed a notice March 11 setting the property for sale.
The foreclosure listing does not affect area restaurants The Oasis or Soleil owned by Robert "Beau" Theriot.
On March 5, Mike Farley, chief financial officer for Comanche Canyon Ranch Inc., one of the owners of Oasis, Texas, said that the parties to the foreclosure proceedings are negotiating the future plans for the project and were down to "just a few stumbling points."
Foreclosure proceedings on the shops were begun in February by REKR, the bank's assignee. Oasis, Texas was previously listed for foreclosure sale March 5 but was removed from the foreclosure docket March 4 when the 200th Judicial Civil District Court of Travis County issued an order preventing REKR from selling the property.
Compere stated that his client "declines comment."