Following Bee Cave City Council's meeting March 12, council members are planning an on-site visit to Bee Cave Central Park to view areas being considered for the relocation of the existing dog park.

The current Bee Cave Dog Park, located adjacent to Central Park's water quality pond, is subject to erosion, water quality and flooding issues. The Friends of the Bee Cave Dog Park, a group of dog owners who use the dog park regularly, presented their concerns before City Council on Feb. 4 and suggested moving the dog park to another area of Central Park.

Mayor Caroline Murphy proposed moving the dog park to an underutilized area south of the small pavilion, which would already be near restrooms and parking, obviating the need to spend money to build these structures. The city would still need to construct a fence and extend water lines to the proposed location, which, according to documentation supporting the agenda item, was acceptable to Friends representative John Stevens.

Councilwoman Zelda Auslander was concerned that the proposed location, with its grove of shade trees, should be used for another purpose and that a less optimal spot could be converted into a dog park.

"This is prime real estate currently being underused," Auslander said.

Although council members discussed considering the dog park in conjunction with a comprehensive park plan, the council plans to visit the site to consider Murphy's location or an alternative site offered by Auslander for the dog park.

Additionally, council voted to approve a shade structure to cover the playscape at the park's small pavilion.