
The council meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of every month.

Terms and compensation

Council members are paid $100 per month. Councilman David Wilson declined his stipend. Mayor Lucy Johnson declined her $200 monthly stipend.

Live coverage

Meetings of Kyle City Council can be viewed online at

Accomplishments in 2012

  • Parks improvements and renovations — The city renovated Gregg-Clarke Park, the train depot, and the Parks and Recreation Department headquarters.
  • Improving general and utility fund balances — The utility and general funds have been operating at losses for a few years, but the council put tighter spending regulations in place during the first year of a three-year plan to bring the funds back to a positive balance.
  • New library building — The Kyle Public Library moved into a new building at 550 Scott St. in May. The new library is about four times larger than the old one and holds about 32,000 books.
  • I-35 development standards — City Council approved I-35 Overlay Development Standards that will dictate what rules developers must follow when building along I-35 in the city.

Top issues for 2013

  • Stabilize revenue sources — The city will enter into the second year of a three-year plan to help stabilize the general fund.
  • Economic development — Officials believe the creation of an I-35 Overlay District will help attract more development along the I-35 corridor because it will create a uniform set of standards for developers to follow.
  • Monarch Utilities talks — The city is in talks with Monarch Utilities, provider of water services to about 900 houses in the Amberwood and Indian Paintbrush neighborhoods, to improve customer service and lower rates.
  • Possible road bond — City Council is developing a bond issue that would go toward engineering and construction of roads and road improvements in the city. The first year of the project is expected to cost $4.5 million.