On July 24, Bee Cave City Council had its first preliminary workshop on the proposed fiscal year 2012-13 budget.
Council members during the meeting heard budget requests from individual departments.
An additional librarian and police sergeant position, new police cars and an increase in salary for employees in several departments were considered for funding under the budget for the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1.
"I think everything I've seen so far is reasonable," Bee Cave City Administrator Frank Salvato said.
The preliminary budget projects $6.25 million in sales tax revenue and $185,432 in property tax revenue for the fiscal year. Salvato said the projections are conservative, as the sales tax for the current fiscal year has been about $6.8 million.
"I always project low and make sure we fall within the budget," he said.
A second budget workshop is scheduled for Aug. 14. Salvato said council will likely approve a 2012-13 budget on Sept. 11.