Three republicans are running for a seat with the Texas House representing District 3. The newly created seat was added during the redistricting process this year due to population growth in the area.

Bob Bagleyretired from the U.S. Air Force, retired business owner

Q: What do you think are the biggest issues facing the state of Texas?

A: According to several polls, including a Saddle Up Texas Straw Poll in January, the largest issue in the state is immigration. We had a big to-do in Austin where candidates found the exact same thing. We've got a number of problems. Infrastructure is definitely one, along with traffic and mobility. Water rights are also a big issue throughout the state.

Q: What would your top priorities be if elected?

A: One of the first things is to stop the free handouts of money to illegal aliens. I think we need to secure our borders. We also need to start looking ahead at water and what we're going to do to make sure we have clean water in the future. We need to do away with property tax and change it to sales tax. The taxes that we have passed—for instance the lottery tax—all that money was supposed to go to education and it's not. The gas tax was supposed to go to DPS and it's not. The car tax was supposed to go to transportation and it's not. We had these taxes increased for certain purposes and the legislature has gone ahead and dipped into them for other things and that has got to be reversed.

The Gross Margins Tax—an income tax on business—is highly unfair. I opposed that, and I've been fighting it ever since. We got them to amend the bill so that if you make less than $1 million you do not have to pay the Gross Margins Tax. I would like to see it done away with completely, or at least amended so the first million dollars that the company takes in would not be taxed. They're stopping too many businesses from expanding. It's stopping jobs and stopping growth.

Cecil Bellself-employed president of B-5 Construction Company, which constructs water and wastewater treatment facilities

Q: What do you think are the biggest issues facing the State of Texas?

A: In my opinion, the biggest issues of the day continue to be state budget, public education and water rights. The current tough economic times will continue to drive each of these topics. With that said, I know that January 2013 has the ability to hold new and bigger issues. I believe my qualifications afford the constituents of the district the strength of elected representation capable of dealing with the issues which are then facing Texas and the legislature.

Q: What would your top priorities be if elected?

A: The actual tax revenue is exceeding projections, however the expectation is still a revenue shortfall in Texas making the budget the number one likely concern. Integrity in the budget process is a priority, which means our state budget should be set based on real, comprehensive understanding of underlying cost. One of the first priorities is working to replace the current funding formula for public education with a simplified formula which meets the requirements of the Texas Constitution and of the court and provides adequate, equitable per student funding to public education while returning local control to our public schools. Public Education funding needs to be based on a simplified formula with criteria to include ($ 38B/4.8M) weighted for equitable access to teachers, curriculum, etc.

Additionally, establishing comprehensive career and technology programs recognized by the respective industries is a priority. The Gross Margins Tax needs to be repealed and local control returned to PSDs. State sovereignty, border control and reaffirming the 10th Amendment limitations of the federal government are priorities for a healthy, business-friendly climate where free enterprise and capitalism drive the Texas economy.

Troy Bonindoctor of dental surgery

Q: What do you think are the biggest issues facing the State of Texas?

A: I think that would have to be the irresponsible spending on the part of our leaders. I think we need greater fiscal transparency and responsible spending. The second thing would be the borders. You've got to effectively secure boarders all along the way.

What would your top priorities be if elected?

A: I'm the only candidate in my race that has signed Gov. Perry's Texas Budget Compact. We, as a legislature, have to properly obey the Constitution of Texas by not spending more than we take in. Our problem is not revenue; our problem is government spending. The government just spends way too much. Perry has proposed that the budget for Texas be directly proportionate to population plus inflation. In other words, if you have a check book and you only have X amount of dollars in your account, if you write a check for more than X dollars, then you're going to have a constable or sheriff show up at your front door, and you're going to be in trouble. As a legislature, we need to be held to the same accountability as everyone else. Some of the legislators are spending like a bunch of drunk teenagers with a credit card. What we need is true representation, transparency and fiscal responsibility.