Phase II of the Brown Road Extension project in Tomball is expected to be completed some time this summer, said Lori Lakatos, Tomball's city engineer.

"We have installed water and storm sewers, and we're currently working on the detention facility," she said.

The next steps involve installing gas lines and beginning to form the pavement for the sidewalks and roads. Sometime in May, Lakatos said she hopes to have reached a point of substantial completion, with the majority of the project finished, aside from a few remaining clean-up pieces.

The road will connect Quinn Road to Baker Drive and will provide another east to west corridor along the north side of the city, Lakatos said.

"The intent is to alleviate traffic on FM 2920 and Main Street," she said.

The Brown Road Extension is one of Tomball's capital improvement projects. Phase I, which connected Hwy. 249 to Quinn Road, was completed in November 2008 with some funding assistance from the Texas Department of Transportation.