As home sales in Montgomery County continue to increase, developers are stressing the importance of area transportation projects for keeping residents connected.
At a March 29 Chambers of Magnolia Legislative Alliance luncheon, a panel including area developers and Montgomery County Precinct 2 Commissioner Craig Doyal presented updates on developments and discussed how improving mobility is key to staying on top of growth.
"The biggest obstacle facing Montgomery County is the lack of transportation funds that we have," said panel member Richard Muller—an attorney representing the Westwood Magnolia Parkway Improvement District. The WMPID is a governmental agency that promotes and develops commerce and employment in southwest Montgomery County.
However, Muller did announce a $4 million bond was secured March 28 to fund a project extending Research Forest Drive in The Woodlands from Branch Crossing to Egypt Lane. The project is crucial to connecting The Woodlands to the Magnolia area, he said.
Construction will begin April 9 and the road should be finished by August 29, he said. It will be funded by sales tax revenue.
Virgil Yoakum, who runs the Woodforest Development in Montgomery County, reported on home sales and said 57 homes have sold in the subdivision since the beginning of 2012. He said home sales started picking up in the second half of 2011 and have not showed signs of slowing down. Jack Frey with High Meadow ranch and Michael Weingrad with Crown Ranch reported significant rises in sales as well.
"We haven't seen activity like this in quite some time," Weingrad said. "More and more people are coming to us looking for a property with a couple of acres."
Doyal said his office is doing everything it can to keep mobility projects moving forward.
"Without mobility, our economic development just comes grinding to a halt," he said. "We have to get ahead of the curve as much as we can."
COMLA is a joint committee of the Magnolia Area and Magnolia Parkways chambers of commerce. It works to promote legislative issues that are pertinent to both areas.