Place 1 Cedar Park City Councilman Matt Powell announced his resignation from council March 13 in concurrence local resign-to-run rules.

The seat would have been automatically vacated on March 28 since Powell filed to run for mayor, but he said he wanted to allow time for council to declare the office vacant and call to fill the unexpired term during the May 12 election.

"It is important for our citizens to be able to select my replacement," Powell said. "It is my great interest to allow the City Council to go forward without incurring the potential expense of a special election. By voluntarily stepping aside now, the council can easily add Place 1 to the May ballot and ensure continuity of leadership while minimizing costs to our taxpayers."

Powell served on City Council for almost seven years. He said it was an honor to work with fellow council members and staff, as well as Cedar Park residents.

"And to the citizens who have allowed me to serve in this role, I have always endeavored to serve honorably, enthusiastically, and to evangelically promote the interests of Cedar Park, Texas. Thank you for allowing me to keep your council seat warm for a little while," he said.

Powell, Eddie Hurst and Wayne Ruark are running for mayor of Cedar Park. If council chooses to include the Place 1 seat on the May ballot, the city will open a new application filing period for candidates interested in Powell's 1-year unexpired term.