Steve RadackSteve Radack (Republican)

Experience: 28 years serving as Harris County Precinct 3 commissioner

[email protected] Top priorities: improving infrastructure to meet growth, flood control, park development

Why are you running for Harris County Precinct 3 Commissioner?

It is and has been an honor to serve as Precinct 3’s commissioner for almost 28 years. During this time, the precinct has grown both in residential population and commercial ventures. The 2010 census showed that Precinct 3 has continued to outgrow the other three precincts in population. To respond to and promote growth has been a challenge. Whether it has been in the development or maintenance of parks, community centers, infrastructure or senior citizen programs, the work has proven to be well worth it [to continue] promoting a high quality of life in Precinct 3.

What would be your top objectives if elected?

Improving our infrastructure will continue to be my chief objective. Precinct 3 will continue to build roads, parks and facilities to meet our growth. I will continue to mesh flood control efforts and park development. I will continue to work with the other members of Commissioners Court, the city of Houston, the state of Texas, [The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County] and the federal government to provide to the residents of Harris County the vital services that have allowed our county to grow and prosper.

Jenifer Rene PoolJenifer Rene Pool (Democrat)

Experience: business and construction management, consulting Top priorities: repairing the Addicks and Barker reservoirs, increase funding for hospitals, education

Why are you running for Harris County Precinct 3 Commissioner?

I am running to make a difference in Harris County for the people. With increased flooding and more communities being built in Harris County, we need the right decisions for our community. I am ready to reallocate resources away from the very generous Commissioners Court’s general fund to long-requested infrastructure improvement of the dams and other structures, protecting families and properties.

What would be your top objectives if elected?

[My top objectives would be] repair[ing] the Addicks and Barker Cypress dams; build[ing] the recommended Katy Prairie flood berm; work[ing] with the other commissioners to prioritize services and education over punitive policing and incarceration; increas[ing] spending to our hospitals and communities by taking funds from the overfunded jails and courts and coordinat[ing] with the city to maximize results from our city and county tax dollars.