1. FM 1488 widening through Magnolia
The Texas Department of Transportation is 10% complete with a project to widen FM 1488 from two to four lanes in Magnolia, according to an Oct. 1 update. The project, which began in May, spans from FM 1774 to FM 149 and is tentatively scheduled to be completed in the second quarter of 2025. James Construction Group was awarded the project.
Timeline: May 2022-second quarter 2025
Cost: $48.62 million
Funding source: TxDOT
2. FM 1488 median
A TxDOT project to construct raised medians on FM 1488 has been pushed back to this fall, according to an Oct. 1 update. The project, which spans from Mostyn Drive in Magnolia to I-45, is tentatively scheduled to be completed in the third quarter of 2025. ISI Contracting, Inc. was awarded the project.
Timeline: fall 2022-third quarter 2025
Cost: $10.22 million
Funding source: TxDOT