1. FM 2978 widening

A project continues that will widen FM 2978 from two to four lanes between FM 1488 and south of Dry Creek, located near Hardin Store Road. The project was 64% complete as of March 5 and anticipated to wrap up in the second quarter of 2021.

Timeline: Sept. 4, 2018-second quarter 2021

Cost: $21.47 million

Funding sources: Texas Department of Transportation, federal funds

2. FM 1488 widening

A TxDOT project to widen FM 1488 west of the city of Magnolia is 12% complete as of March 5. The project spans from the Waller County line near Joseph Road to FM 1774 in Magnolia and will widen the road from two lanes to four lanes with a continuous left turn lane.

Timeline: Nov. 23, 2020-first quarter 2023

Cost: $29.79 million

Funding source: TxDOT

3. Egypt Lane project

The Westwood Magnolia Parkway Improvement District is planning to improve Egypt Lane from Research Forest Drive to FM 2978. The project, partially funded up to $100,000 by Montgomery County Precinct 2, will improve drainage, access and safety by adding a continuous left turn lane along Egypt Lane, according to WMPID information.

Timeline: TBD

Cost: $2.47 million

Funding sources: WMPID, Montgomery County Precinct 2

4. Hufsmith Road widening

Harris County Precinct 4 plans to widen Hufsmith Road between Baker Drive and FM 2978 to four concrete lanes with improved drainage and traffic signals as warranted. The project is in the study phase.

Timeline: TBD

Cost: TBD

Funding source: Harris County Precinct 4

5. Northpointe Boulevard extension

Harris County Precinct 4 is slated to extend Northpointe Boulevard as a four-lane roadway from Grant to Shaw roads with improved drainage and traffic signals as warranted. The project is in the study phase.

Timeline: TBD

Cost: TBD

Funding source: Harris County Precinct 4