Learn more about volunteer and donation opportunities in the Tomball and Magnolia area. For specific volunteer requirements, contact the organization directly. This list is not comprehensive.

Animal services

Abandoned Animal Rescue

The organization is an all-volunteer dog and cat rescue and adoption center.
  • Sample activities: help in the cattery, with dog play yard friends, as a dog handler, clean kennels, in the puppy rooms, at the front office, with maintenance
  • Donations accepted: wishlist items included on website, monetary donations
  • 32632 Wright Road, Magnolia
  • www.aartexas.org
Friends of Texas Wildlife

The organization rescues, rehabilitates and releases injured, orphaned or abandoned wildlife. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old, and anyone under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.Montgomery County Animal Shelter

The shelter cares for hundreds of dogs and cats by providing services such as neutering and microchipping while holding animals until they can be placed in a new home.
  • Sample activities: assist with dog bathing and walking, cat handling, on- and off-site adoptions, fostering and laundry; administrative tasks; serve as vet staffer, a surgery assistant or a photographer’s assistant
  • Donations accepted: monetary donations, medical supplies, blankets, toys, food, treats, lick mats, crates and kennels
  • 8535 Hwy. 242, Conroe
  • www.mcaspets.org
Community Aid


The comprehensive family practice clinic provides compassionate Christian health care services to those who are low-income and/or under-insured. Service lines include medical, dental, vision, pharmacy and in-house labs. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old.
  • Sample activities: translations, appointment reminder calls, facility maintenance, patient surveys, envelope stuffing, devotionals
  • Donations accepted: 500mg Acetaminophen, copy paper, hygiene kits, paper goodie bags for dental and pharmacy patients; or items from the Amazon wishlist
  • 455 School St., Ste. 30, Tomball
  • www.tomagwa.org
Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries

The nonprofit serves Tomball-area families in crisis by providing emergency assistance with food, clothing, medical and dental care, and other household bills. The organization also operates a resale shop. Volunteers under age 13 must be accompanied by a parent.
  • Sample activities: retail service in The Resale Shop; local food delivery and pickup; caseworkers and mentors
  • Donations accepted: gently used household items and clothing are accepted Wednesdays and Saturdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; nonperishable items and toiletries are accepted Wednesday and Fridays 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
  • 300 W. Main St., Tomball
  • www.teamtomball.com

Tidy Up Tomball

Tidy Up Tomball is a community-driven initiative addressing the rising waste issue in Tomball, focused on keeping the city a beautiful place to live, work and play.
  • Sample activities: biannual cleanup events where volunteers can sign up to clean up trash around town
  • Donations accepted: sponsorships of cleanup events, monetary donations for the items necessary to run the cleanup events
  • www.tidyuptomball.com
Food insecurity

Helping Hands Community Garden

The year-round teaching garden offers free organic garden beds for individuals, families, scout groups, senior citizens and those with physical limitations. Volunteers can learn to garden organically while using organic pest control.
  • Sample activities: help weed, water, plant, pick harvest, mow and weedwack (weekly or occasionally)
  • Donations: old rugs or carpeting, dried citrus peels, dried egg shells, bagged pine needles and leaves, Medina Orange Oil (organic ant killer)
  • 31355 Friendship Drive, Magnolia
  • www.helpinghandscommunitygarden.org
Montgomery County Food Bank

The food bank provides nutritious food to children, seniors and families through a network of partner agencies.
  • Sample activities: sort and package food, deliver groceries to low-income seniors, drive-thru food distribution assistance
  • Donations accepted: monetary donations, food donations
  • 1 Food for Life Way, Conroe
  • www.mcfoodbank.org
Tomball Community Garden

The garden grows fresh produce to donate to Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries. Located at Tomball Methodist Church, volunteers work in the garden every Tuesday and Thursday for one hour, and children must be supervised by an adult.
  • Sample activities: weeding, fertilizing, composting, mowing, edging, planting seeds and transplants, and harvesting
  • Donations accepted: gently used garden tools, vegetable seeds and bags of pine needles; monetary donations can be made by giving to Tomball Methodist Church with Tomball Community Garden listed as the recipient
  • 1603 Baker Drive, Tomball
  • www.tomballmethodist.org/hunger-ministry
Youth & families

Boys & Girls Country

The licensed residential home for children ages 5-18 and young adults ages 18-25 serves children from families in crisis and provides a secure, stable, Christian home environment with an emphasis on education, building healthy relationships and setting goals for the future.
  • Sample activities: cleaning; gardening; organizing; professional services, such as haircuts and music lessons; hosting donation drives; tutoring; mentoring
  • Donations accepted: clothing, groceries, household goods
  • 18806 Roberts Road, Hockley
  • www.boysandgirlscountry.org
Joy Ride Center

JoyRide Center’s mission is to help people with different abilities find joy through equine-assisted services. Volunteers are encouraged to commit to a semester of service to become proficient in working with the horses and riders.
  • Sample activities: horse handler, handling groom, tack and leading the horses during classes; side-walking alongside the horse and rider
  • Donations accepted: tack, monetary donations
  • 29550 Tudor Way, Magnolia
  • www.joyridecenter.org
Inspiration Ranch

The organization offers therapeutic riding and equine-assisted mental health services for people with physical, emotional and social disabilities. No horse experience is required to volunteer, but volunteers must be at least age 15.
  • Sample activities: side-walking, horse leading, grooming, and feeding
  • Donations accepted: monetary donations; horses, tack, etc.
  • 33029 Wright Road, Magnolia
  • www.inspirationranch.org
Yes to Youth

The organization provides crisis counseling, intervention and suicide prevention services as well as shelter programs for families and youths.
  • Sample activities: hosting needs drives, helping with events, groundskeeping, meals, spending time with youth
  • Donations accepted: monetary gifts
  • 31355 Friendship Drive, Magnolia
  • www.sayyestoyouth.org