- New elementary school
- New junior high school
- Expansion of Tomball Memorial High School
- Laptops, chromebooks, document cameras
- New agriculture barn at Tomball High School
- Natatorium at Tomball Memorial High School
- Auditorium renovations at Tomball High School
- Land acquisitions and site developments for uitilies
- Additional school buses
- A new football stadium that provides seating for up to 10,000 guests and includes 3,000 parking spaces
District officials said the existing stadium, which is located on Quinn Road, would remain should a new stadium be built. According to a statement from TISD, the existing district stadium was built in 1971 and does not meet current requirements set by the Americans with Disabilities Act, as the stadium was built before the ADA became law in 1990. The district stadium would need to be rebuilt to meet ADA requirements if TISD were to renovate the stadium.
Correction: The Tomball ISD stadium will not be demolished as previously reported. According to a statement from TISD, if a new stadium is built, the district does not intend to demolish the existing stadium.