The engineering phase is now underway for the proposed Magnolia relief route project.[/caption]
After first beginning an engineering study in 2003, the Texas Department of Transportation held a public meeting Sept. 22 to receive input on the proposed Magnolia relief route.
“TxDOT is pursuing the project because of the high level of congestion on FM 1488 and FM 1774, particularly at the intersection of FM 1488 and FM 1774 in downtown Magnolia,” said Deidrea George, TxDOT Houston District public information officer. “In addition, TxDOT is pursuing the project at the request of Montgomery County, who has identified this as a priority project.”
The $49.9 million project is designed to funnel traffic around the city’s downtown area through an alternate four-lane roadway and will require 172 acres of right of way acquisition. Three residences and six structures will be affected with the 5.3-mile identified preferred route from FM 1488 east of downtown Magnolia to FM 1488 on the west side, according to TxDOT plans.
A number of residents at the public meeting in Magnolia expressed concerns about the project and its proximity to homes and businesses.
Magnolia resident John Brinkley said the identified preferred route will cross through his 48-acre property near his home along Dogwood Trail. Brinkley said he might be forced to relocate if the road is constructed.
The project would feature grade-separated overpasses at FM 1774 and the Union Pacific Railroad intersection as well as along the proposed Hwy. 249 extension that would intersect the relief route near the east side of FM 1488, George said.
TxDOT officials will accept public comments regarding the project via mail and email until Oct. 6. All written comments are expected to be compiled into a public meeting summary report by the end of October.
Project design and development of the environmental document will take place through 2016. A public hearing is expected to be held in fall 2016, and the design and environmental process is slated to wrap up in spring 2017. Construction will be determined as funding becomes available, according to TxDOT plans.
For more information on the project, read the October Tomball/Magnolia edition of Community Impact Newspaper.
Project timeline
February 2003: city of Magnolia requested the Texas Department of Transportation initiate a route study for an FM 1488 relief route
Jan. 22, 2004: TxDOT holds first public meeting at Williams Elementary School. The public is introduced to the project and a generalized study area.
May 20, 2004: TxDOT holds a second public meeting at Williams Elementary School. The public is introduced to the alternative alignments and asked to provide comments.
2004-05: TxDOT conducts development of initial design and environmental constraints of the recommended alternative route
March 3, 2005: TxDOT holds third public meeting at Magnolia Elementary School focusing on the recommended alternative.
June 2005: TxDOT engineering study and environmental constraints report report are complete.
2005-15: The relief route was placed on hold due to funding.
May 2015: TxDOT resumes project development to include schematic design and environmental studies for preferred alternative.
Sept. 22, 2015: TxDOT holds a fourth public meeting at Magnolia West High School.