Lakewood Grove is a built-out neighborhood zoned to Tomball ISD schools. Residents can enjoy easy access to Hwy. 249 as well as hike and bike trails.

  • Located between Hwy. 249 and North Eldridge Parkway, Lakewood Grove is a community in the southern unincorporated area of Tomball.
  • Lakewood Grove is a short drive from the Tomball Crossing shopping center at Hwy. 249 and Spring Cypress Road, including tenants such as Kohl’s, Red Robin, Lupe Tortilla and Old Navy.
  • Residents can enjoy a pool, a catch-and-release pond, tennis and a pocket park within the neighborhood.
  • Lakewood Grove also provides access to hike and bike trails.
Median home value: $396,000

Homes on the market*: 3

Homes under contract*: 4

Median annual property taxes: $9,363

Median price per square foot: $147.76

Average days on the market*: 22

Build-out year: 1995-2006

Square footage: 1,800-4,120

Home values: $371,300-$475,000

HOA dues (estimated): $600 annually

Property taxes (in dollars):

Tomball ISD 1.23

Harris County 0.34373

Harris County Flood Control District 0.03055

Port of Houston 0.00799

Harris County Hospital District 0.14831

Harris County Dept. of Education 0.0049

Lone Star College System 0.1078

Harris County Emergency Services District No. 11 0.029336

ESD No. 13 0.091852

Malcomson Road Utility District0.37

Total (per $100 valuation) 2.364468