Median home value: $308,000
Homes on the market*: 6
Homes under contract: 3
Median annual property taxes: $5,500
Median price per square foot: $140
Average days on the market*: 40
Median square footage: 1,960
HOA dues (estimated): $419 (annually)
Home value: $290,000
Schools: Decker Prairie Elementary, Tomball Junior High, Tomball Intermediate, Tomball High schools
Property taxes (in dollars):
Montgomery County Emergency Services District No. 10 0.0987
Montgomery County: 0.4083
Montgomery County Hospital District: 0.0567
Lone Star College System: 0.1078
Tomball ISD: 1.25
Total (per $100 valuation) 1.9215
The number of homes sold year over year in January dropped in the two Tomball ZIP codes while the number of homes increased slightly in Magnolia ZIP code 77354 and Pinehurst ZIP code 77362. At the same time, home prices fell in three of five ZIP codes locally.