Median home value: $370,000
Homes on the market*: 5
Homes under contract: 4
Median annual property taxes: $10,791
Median price per square foot: $124
Average days on the market*: 59
Median square footage: 2,800
HOA dues (estimated): $350 (annually)
Property taxes (in dollars):
Tomball ISD 1.25
Harris County 0.37693
Harris County Flood Control District 0.03349
Port of Houston Authority 0.00872
Harris Health System 0.16221
Harris County Department of Education 0.00499
Lone Star College System 0.1078
Municipal Utility District No. 280•0.63
Emergency Services District No. 16 0.05
Emergency Services District No. 11 0.03231
Northpointe Water Control and Improvement District 0.26
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.9165