Courtney Holland Courtney Holland Interiors
What is the difference between interior design and interior decorating?
In order to call yourself a designer, you have to have a degree. A designer can actually specify products, so I work with several different area builders, [and] I’ll specify exterior finishes to flooring to how to build your cabinets, paint [colors and] tile. Anything that would go into the construction of the house, other than the engineering part of it—that’s what a designer does. The decorator typically [does] just the accessories that you’ll see.
What are some popular elements currently in residential design?
There are things like the concrete tiles [with] the bold patterns and stuff [in homes]. Different lighting trends are really hot right now, [and] everybody’s going for this restorative, historical farmhouse kind of look. And that can be taken in several different directions. There can be the urban aspect of it where you have a loft in downtown Houston, but then you bring in different kinds of industrial pieces, whether it’s a reclaimed piece of furniture [or] the wood that warms it up.
What are some design elements you would recommend or avoid?
Some of my biggest tips to homeowners to make a house a home [is that] lighting is a really big, key factor, and you want to layer your lighting. You’ll have your task lighting [and] ambient lighting, but also pick some fun pieces, too, not just your overhead [lighting]. Other things, too, like pulling some unique finds [from antiquing] or if you have an old piece that’s a hand-me-down. It can be something as simple as a book. Use that as a key design piece in your house. Put it in a shadow box or a box on your coffee table, and it becomes a conversation piece instead of just picking up stuff at stores. [Avoid] painting a space without getting enough samples [first].
How is interior design today different from five or 10 years ago?
It seems like culture is intermixed even more now, especially with Houston being such the melting pot that it is. Everything is not so cookie-cutter anymore. You have such a wide array of styles to pick from.
What are some tips for doing interior design well on a budget?
Make sure you know your budget ahead of time. Do your research [on who you hire], and get yourself three different bids so you have something [to compare] and [are] not hiring just the first person. [Do not do] something that’s so overwhelming—like doing the whole house at one time, especially if it’s on a budget. Focus on one room at a time. A lot of people take on too much [at one time], and then they don’t have the funds to finish it.