Tomball city officials are proposing $87.4 million in capital projects during fiscal year 2024-25, according to a July 22 special budget workshop.

The breakdown

During its joint July 22 budget workshop with the Tomball Economic Development Corp., city officials presented Tomball City Council with a proposal for $87.4 million in capital improvement projects in FY 2024-25.

Diving deeper

In the FY 2024-28 proposed capital improvement program, some of the projects include:
  • $1.5 million for the reconstruction of FM 2920
  • $6.8 million for the Baker Drive water plant
  • $304,860 for the Baker Street sidewalks
  • $457,000 for Water Well 5's rehabilitation
  • $255,000 for Phase 1 of Matheson Park
  • $659,206 for Phase 2 of Matheson Park
Additionally, in FY 2024-25, the city is proposing issuing $30 million in certificates of obligation— a way to borrow money—for two capital infrastructure projects, according to the presentation.
  • East water plant: $9.8 million
  • South wastewater treatment plant expansion: $20.1 million
Quote of note

“We've put together a five-year CIP [capital improvement program] plan. The idea is that we repeat this every year,” City Manager David Esquivel said. “We can update it based on the needs of that year.”

Stay tuned

Tomball City Council will meet again on August 5, and there is potential for another budget workshop meeting in August, city officials said during the July 22 meeting.