During its April 1 meeting, Tomball City Council approved as part of the consent agenda—on which items are approved with one motion without discussion—a professional services agreement for the design of a parking lot on North Sycamore Street.

In a nutshell

WGA Consulting Engineers will be paid $106,000 to design the parking lot, which is anticipated to create around 40-50 new parking spots, according to the April 1 agenda packet.

The project is included in the city’s fiscal year 2024-28 capital improvement plan, and the city has budgeted $1.5 million for it. Construction is expected to cost around $1.37 million, according to the agenda packet.

This map is an estimate of where the parking lot will be and may not reflect its final location.

Stay tuned

After the professional services agreement is executed, it will take around 210 calendar days to complete design, according to the agenda packet.