Editor's note: This story has been updated to reflect Tomball City Council appointed Tana Ross chair of the charter review commission at its Sept. 18 meeting.

In a 4-1 vote, Tomball City Council approved a resolution appointing 13 people to the Tomball Charter Review Commission at its Sept. 5 meeting. The commission is tasked with reviewing the city’s charter and making recommendations for how to change or update it. Council Member John Ford voted against the resolution.

The backstory

The commission was first discussed at City Council’s Aug. 21 meeting. The last time the charter was updated was in 2014, according to the Aug. 21 agenda packet.

“Our charter is our governing document in this town,” Mayor Lori Klein Quinn said during the Aug. 21 meeting. “And every 10 years, best practices are you review it for any changes.”

Quinn said the commission will work to make sure the city’s charter is in compliance with state law and clarify any points of confusion, such as the definition of a quorum. The commission could discuss things to add to the charter, such as term limits for elected officials.

Zooming in

Each council member was able to appoint two members to the commission with Quinn able to appoint three members, Quinn said during the Aug. 21 meeting. City Attorney Loren Smith will lead the commission.

The appointees to the charter review commission and who appointed them are as follows:

  • Quinn: Becky Clepper, Angie Johnson, Diana Browning
  • Ford: Sue Harris, Colleen Pye
  • Council Member Mark Stoll: Gretchen Fagan, Chad Degges
  • Council Member Dane Dunagin: Latrell Shannon, Mary Harvey
  • Council Member Derek Townsend: Cody Riedel, John Kelley
  • Council Member Randy Parr: R. Brock Hendrickson, Tana Ross*

*Appointed commission chair

Stay tuned

The charter review commission’s first meeting is set for Sept. 20. Tomball residents will be able to vote on the changes to the charter during the May 4, 2024, election.