The city of Tomball has entered a Stage 1 drought and is recommending residents follow voluntary water conservation measures, according to a July 19 news release.

In a nutshell

A Stage 1 drought is triggered when total daily water demand exceeds 60% of the city’s production capacity for three consecutive days, according to the city’s water conservation and drought contingency plan.

The specifics

According to the news release, the city of Tomball is asking residents to voluntarily conserve water, which includes measures like:

  • Odd addresses watering their landscapes on Wednesdays and Saturdays
  • Even addresses watering their landscapes on Thursdays and Sundays
  • Limiting power washing
  • Limiting the washing of vehicles
  • Limiting the refilling of swimming pools and outside ponds fountains

Learn more

Residents can learn more about the Stage 1 drought and keep up with the city’s drought status by visiting