July 15: Bowl for a cause

AZ Mobile Pet Vaccines will host a bowling tournament to raise funds for HART Animal Rescue. There will be food and drinks, and all registered teams will get a fundraiser T-shirt. Winners will receive cash prizes. 7 p.m. $120 (team entry fee). Bowlero, 19102 Hwy. 249, Houston. 346-402-5978

July 16: Attend a craft show

Living Stones Church will host a Christmas in July craft show with crafts and food. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free (admission). Living Stones Church, 26605 Peden Road, Magnolia. 832-521-3444. www.livingstones-church.com

July 17: Swap a plant cutting

Dry Creek Gatherings will host a North Houston Plant Exchange and Market. Swap plant cuttings—a piece of a plant to grow more—enjoy a vendor market and drinks by Dry Creek. Noon-5 p.m. Free (admission). 30663 Moore Road, Magnolia. 832-928-2738. www.drycreekgatherings.com