U.S. District 10

*Indicates incumbent

Roy Eriksen


Occupation: small-business owner/entrepreneur
Experience: spent 20-plus years in banking/finance, teaching, consulting and entrepreneurship
What makes you uniquely qualified to represent District 10?
RE: The two party system is deeply flawed and we deserve more choice at the ballot box. Both the Republicans and Democrats are using all means necessary to prevent constituents access to a fair election, by preventing third-party candidates ballot access. My focus is simple—preserve the liberties and freedom bestowed upon us and ensure we live our lives free from government control. The status quo does not put your best interests at heart and has failed all of us. My diverse background..gives me the opportunity to view things such as spending and social issues from a different light so that you can keep more of your hard earned money and government out of your household. My term will not be influence[d] by outside interests, [political action committees] or corporations.
What are the biggest challenges facing District 10 presently, and how do you plan to address these?
RE: Healthcare, economy and COVID[-19], taxes and federal spending, and term limits. Healthcare—I will always work to protect the unborn and end federal subsidization of Planned Parenthood. I will also work to end the [Affordable Healthcare Act], allow people to purchase health insurance across state lines, reduce the cost of prescription drugs, and create a public option for people to purchase. I would create a bill so that any preexisting condition will always be covered by insurance companies and covered by your insurance plan. Economy and [COVID-19]—Give control to state and local government regarding the reopening of local cities and mandates to control the COVID[-19] pandemic. ... We must get people back to work and businesses reopened so that our lives can return to the normalcy it was pre-COVID[-19]. I support another round of stimulus to help the country and economy stay on its feet, but not to the tune of trillions of dollars. ... Taxes and federal spending—Make the Trump tax cuts permanent and pass a balanced budget amendment. Term limits ... I will work to co-author a bill that will limit the term of House members to six terms and Senate members to two terms.
If elected, what will be your first action?
RE: Work to pass a term limits bill and balanced budget amendment.

Michael McCaul*


Occupation: U.S. Congressman
Experience: serving eighth term representing District 10
What makes you uniquely qualified to represent District 10?
MM: I’m a proud fourth-generation Texan and son of a World War II veteran who served as a B-17 Bombardier in the D-Day air campaign. My father taught me what it means to serve, and his example is what inspired me to dedicate my entire career to service. I’ve spent my career working to keep this great country safe—from my early days serving as Chief of Counter Terrorism and National Security at the U.S. Attorney’s office in Texas and leading the Joint Terrorism Task Force. Since being elected to represent the 10th district in 2004, I’ve continued my mission of protecting the homeland from threats foreign and domestic as the Chair of the Homeland Security Committee and Ranking Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. In May, I was appointed the Chair of the China Task Force where I am leading the effort to stand up to the Chinese Communist Party, the greatest long-term national security and economic threat to our nation.
What are the biggest challenges facing District 10 presently, and how do you plan to address these?
MM: Before the coronavirus outbreak, Texans were seeing their wages rise and record low unemployment; however, the coronavirus outbreak hit the Texas economy hard, and [District] 10 was not immune. Now, we are seeing an economic comeback and I’m running to help workers and families continue that recovery. I will continue to fight for financial support like the Paycheck Protection Program loans for small businesses. ... In addition, I will work to build off the successful Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which lowered taxes for the middle class. And through my position on Foreign Affairs, I will work to secure new trade deals that put American workers, farmers and ranchers first, and stand up for Texas’s oil and gas workers. Furthermore, Americans deserve the best healthcare system in the world and should not have to choose between their health and their wallet. ... I am committed to working with Democrats and Republicans to solve this problem. Working together we can protect people with pre-existing conditions, bring down costs, increase transparency, expand access to care and ensure that America continues to lead the world in medical innovation. Finally, our state is home to 300,000 victims of human trafficking. ... Since being elected to Congress, I have worked to pass crucial bipartisan legislation that gives survivors a voice by bringing them into the legislative process and provides law enforcement officials the tools and authority they need to combat this heinous injustice.
If elected, what will be your first action?
MM: Our country is still facing the crisis created by the coronavirus outbreak. My top priority is to ensure we are providing the support needed to families, workers, small business owners and all Americans. I will continue to push for COVID[-19] relief legislation while incentivizing and supporting private sector ingenuity to create a safe and effective vaccine that is available to all Americans. Then, as the Chair of the China Task Force I will pass legislation that reduces America’s reliance on China, holds the Chinese Communist Party accountable for its malign agenda, and brings our factories and jobs back home.

Mike Siegel


Occupation: civil rights attorney
Experience: teacher and civil rights attorney
What makes you uniquely qualified to represent District 10?
MS: In 2018, I was the Democratic nominee for this seat and brought what was previously a "safe" Republican seat into play on election night for the first time since [Representative] McCaul was elected. I did so by running a true grassroots campaign with a significant field presence, meeting voters where they were and showing up in communities across the nine counties of this district. This cycle, having put this seat on the map as a battleground race in Texas, I have the benefit of the relationships I cultivated during the 2018 cycle, as well as the national attention and support that will ultimately help me to finish the job.
What are the biggest challenges facing District 10 presently, and how do you plan to address these?
MS: Three of the biggest challenges facing District 10 are healthcare, education and climate change. I support Medicare for All, as I believe that healthcare is a human right, and that every American should have high quality, affordable healthcare, regardless of their employment status or income. Having started my career as a public school teacher, I’m fighting to grow our public school system. We must strengthen public school education funding in communities of color, because public schools play a key role in ensuring everyone can achieve the American Dream. Lastly, if we want a future with good paying jobs and a safe planet for all, we need to address climate change head on—that is why I support a Green New Deal. I am committed to taking care of workers and bringing them to the table to fight for the future we deserve—together.
If elected, what will be your first action?
MS: My first action when elected would be to enact the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. The right to vote is the foundation of our democracy. We need to make sure everyone can freely vote in every election, and that means removing barriers to voter registration, creating a national holiday on Election Day, and making sure that states cannot engage in voter suppression.