Magnolia ISD's board of trustees approved the guaranteed maximum price for its third junior high school—a project that was approved in the 2022 bond—to be $70 million.

What's happening

During a July 17 school board meeting, the school board approved $70 million for Junior High School No. 3, nearly $3 million less than projected, according to Executive Director of Facilities Tim Bruner.

The school board also approved increasing the guaranteed maximum price for Audubon Elementary—which was previously set to $33.5 million—by $620,000 as a result of design changes, bringing the new guaranteed maximum price to $34.16 million.

How we got here

A $232 million bond was approved by voters during a Nov. 8 election, according to previous reporting, which included funds for new schools.

Most recently, Intermediate School No. 3's price was set to $47.6 million during a May 15 school board meeting.

Quote of note

"We were in the midst of the architectural review process with Audubon Development. ... At the end of the day, according to Audubon Development and based upon their partial design code, there were changes we had to make to our design, and they are significant," Bruner said during the meeting, referring to the increase in price for Audubon Elementary.