The Tomball ISD board of trustees called a trustee election for Nov. 6 during its Aug. 14 meeting. Five of the district’s seven trustee positions are up for election this November.

Positions 1, 2, 3 and 4—presently held by Kathy Handler, Michael Pratt, John McStravick and Mark Lewandowski, respectively—will be elected to a four-year term, and Position No. 7—presently held by Lee McLeod, who was appointed to the board in June 2017—will be elected for a two-year term.

The deadline to declare candidacy was Aug. 20.

Here are the candidates who have filed for trustee positions, according to an Aug. 23 public information request filed with TISD.

Position 1: Kathy Handler (incumbent, uncontested)
Position 2: Michael Pratt (incumbent), Bob Fontenot
Position 3: John McStravick (incumbent), Joseph Ferguson
Position 4: Mark Lewandowski (incumbent), Steven Kent
Position 5: Lee McLeod (incumbent, uncontested)

According to TISD, interested persons had to file an application to run for a specific position. Candidates must be U.S. citizens, 18 years or older at the start date of the term, a registered voter within TISD boundaries, a resident of TISD for six months prior to Aug. 20 and a resident of Texas for 12 months prior to Aug. 20. Additionally, candidates must continue to live in TISD while in office if elected.

Early voting for the November election runs Oct. 22-Nov. 2. District residents must register no later than Oct. 9 to vote in the election.

Look for Community Impact Newspaper's election guide in the October issue for more information about local elections and candidates this November.