Tomball ISD Board Trustee Lisa Nicholas announced her resignation during tonight's board workshop meeting.[/caption]
Updated April 12, 12:03 p.m.:
During last night's regular Tomball ISD school board meeting, the board unanimously voted to begin accepting applications to replace Trustee Lisa Nicholas. A deadline to fill the seat has not been announced.
Posted April 10, 7:49 p.m.:
During tonight's Tomball ISD board of trustees workshop meeting, longtime trustee Lisa Nicholas announced her resignation, effective April 12.
Nicholas has lived in the Tomball area since 1989 and was appointed to the board in 2004, according to the district website. She said her family will be relocating to the Austin area later this year. Nicholas spoke through tears during the board comment portion of the meeting.
"This is one of the hardest things that we’ve had to do as a family," she said. "We moved here to Tomball 28 years ago, and our oldest son started as a kindergartner at Lakewood Elementary. We graduated four [children] and almost got No. 5 graduated. But, unfortunately, my husband lost his job this summer and as much as we focused our attention to stay right here—because this is where our home is and this is where our hearts are—we felt prompted to take a job in Austin, and, as I said, it’s a very difficult decision to make."
Nicholas thanked several members of the board and received a standing ovation from teachers and staff members in attendance at the meeting.
"When I put in my application 13 years ago for this position, I had no idea that this would become so near and dear to my heart ... and I want to thank you for all that you did in helping to raise my children," Nicholas said. "Know that a little piece of Tomball will always be with us and we will proudly wear our Tomball Red and our Wildcat blue."
The process for appointing a new school board trustee is expected to be discussed during the regularly schedule board meeting tomorrow, April 11 at 5:30 p.m. The board will also formally recognize Nicholas for her years of service to the district during that meeting.