Editor's note: Blackfin Pipeline representatives clarified Wednesday's meeting in Magnolia is only open to property owners in the vicinity of the proposed pipeline route, who received notices of the upcoming meeting. It is not open to the public.

Blackfin Pipeline officials will host a meeting to discuss the proposed 193-mile-long natural gas pipeline that would stretch across eight counties, including Montgomery County. The meeting is for property owners in the vicinity of the proposed pipeline route to have their questions answered; it is not open to the public.

The gist

The meeting will be held on June 28 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Magnolia Event Center, located at 11659 FM 1488, Magnolia.

Zooming out

The Blackfin Pipeline would transport up to 3.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day from Colorado County to Jasper County, according to the project’s website.

  • The pipeline is designed to deliver energy for up to 28 million homes, according to the project’s overview.

Construction is anticipated to start in 2024 and be completed in 2025.

The specifics

According to the project fact sheet and project overview:

  • The natural gas pipeline would be 36-48 inches in diameter, with 17 shut-off valves and four compressor stations.
  • The pipeline’s annual state and local tax revenue is projected to be around $26 million.
  • Over 2,000 jobs would be created during construction, and 36 permanent jobs would be created once construction is completed.

What else?

According to the environment and safety section of its website, this project would also include:

  • An environmental study and environmental permits
  • Regular aerial and foot patrol inspections
  • Pipeline markers on the pipeline route
  • Remote shutdown of the pipeline

Learn more

Stakeholders are invited to participate in the public meeting, call 855-252-5367 or email [email protected] with general inquiries.

View the pipeline’s total route below:

View the pipeline’s route through Montgomery County below:

View the stakeholder meeting notice below: