Lovett Industrial celebrated the groundbreaking of its 240-acre project with its partners March 9, including representatives from the city of Tomball, global real estate investment manager Clarion Partners, Macy’s Inc., and Allen Boone Humphries Robinson.

The project, known as Interchange 249, is underway just southwest of Hwy. 249 and the Grand Parkway near Rocky Road in Tomball. The industrial business park is slated to include 10 buildings totaling more than 3 million square feet that will be built in three phases, according to a March 9 release.

“It definitely means a lot to Tomball to have a development like this. The landscape is changing, literally, for Tomball,” City Manager David Esquivel said during the groundbreaking. “We’re seeing exponential growth in residential development; we’re seeing our fair share of growth in the commercial development; and now we’re starting to see a lot of our industrial development happen. Absolutely it’s a great time to be here in Tomball.”

Included in Phase 1 is a 908,853-square-foot building preleased to Macy’s Inc. Community Impact Newspaper previously reported that Macy’s Inc. will relocate its distribution center to the Lovett Industrial development and open in mid-2023, bringing more than 100 employees to the new center.

In total, Phase 1 includes four buildings and is estimated to be completed in the first quarter of 2023, according to the release.

“We are excited to kick off this master-planned business park and excited to have Macy’s as the first tenant at Interchange 249,” said Payson MacWilliam, Clarion Partners vice president of acquisitions, in the release. “We look forward to working with Lovett and the city of Tomball on the future development.”

Interchange 249 is located within the city of Tomball, following City Council’s annexation approval in December, Community Impact Newspaper reported.

“Interchange 249 is a phenomenal use of land. ... Undoubtedly, it will be a premiere business park in our region,” Tomball Mayor Gretchen Fagan said during the groundbreaking ceremony. “Interchange 249 is a shining example of the positive impact economic development can have in the community. ... The future is bright for Interchange 249, and it is bright for Tomball.”

Charlie Meyer, president and co-owner of Lovett Industrial—a Houston-based real estate investment firm founded in 2020—said during the groundbreaking ceremony an infrastructure investment of approximately $40 million is planned for the massive project. He said he anticipates about eight to 10 construction contracts will be ongoing once the project is fully underway, noting the size and complicated nature of the 240-acre park.

“The city’s going to be left with a project that I think will stand the test of time, and it will be something that is a legacy for our company and something that we will be proud of, and I think will be a major economic generator for this part of Houston for years to come,” Meyer said during the groundbreaking.

While Macy’s Inc. is the first tenant to be confirmed for the park, Tomball city officials previously said the Interchange 249 project would provide about 1,300 jobs.

“The new facility will help us serve our customers in many different methods of shopping. This facility, when it opens in just over a year from now ... will help Macy’s achieve a goal of becoming a premiere digitally led omnichannel retailer,” said Stacy Bobbitt, Macy’s Inc.’s Houston facility leader, at the groundbreaking ceremony. “We are excited to provide new job opportunities to the surrounding area, and, in addition, we anticipate settling ourselves as a valuable partner within the city of Tomball.”